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Cyberpunk 2077-themed Xbox One X Revealed Thanks to ARG

The brand new, previously-teased Cyberpunk 2077-themed Xbox One X has been given a video overview in the new ARG teased by Xbox.

Xbox’s official Twitter account began teasing a brand new, Cyberpunk-themed Xbox One. The video released included a link to a website where players were tasked with solving puzzles in order to include clues and secrets. Well now, around 24 hours later, the ARG has been completed and players have been treated to a new look at the gorgeous looking Xbox.

While I won’t go over all the steps here (there’s around seven), I will say credit for solving the ARG goes to the #CODEBROKEN Discord server, which saw members of the community come together to help solve the mystery. After inputting a series of passphrases, players were sent a link to an unlisted video on Xbox’s official YouTube channel. The video gives people an up-close and personal look at the Xbox and I gotta say, it looks absolutely fantastic. If I had enough money to get a new console right now, I’d probably throw down the money to get it. If you want to check out the video for yourself without having to go through all those hoops, you can find it embedded below.

Tanner Pierce (2020, April 17)

Cyberpunk 2077-themed Xbox One X Revealed Thanks to ARG. Retrieved from

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