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The Witcher 3 Has Now Sold Roughly 28 Million Copies

The Witcher 3's lifetime sales have nearly reached 30 million and in 2019 boasted its second-strongest year of sales since releasing back in 2015.

Off the back of the release of The Witcher TV show on Netflix and a new version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for Nintendo Switch, the third installment in CD Projekt Red’s adored fantasy RPG series had another massive year in 2019. Just how massive, you ask? Well, big enough that the game is now nearing another major sales milestone.

CD Projekt today released its financial information from 2019 and in the process detailed the latest sales of The Witcher 3. Overall, last year proved to be the second-largest year for the game in terms of sales, losing out only to 2015, which was the year in which the title launched. Of the over five million copies of The Witcher 3 that were sold in 2019, 53% were sold on PC, 26% on PS4, 11% on Switch, and 10% for Xbox One.

While CD Projekt didn’t provide specific sales numbers themselves outside of some broad bar graphs, Twitter user @DarkDetectiveNL took the liberty to pixel count the graphs that were provided to get a more accurate total of where the game currently stands. In total, The Witcher 3 has now sold around 28 million copies, which is pretty staggering.

Furthermore, the Nintendo Switch version of the game specifically sold around 700,000 copies from its release until the end of 2019.

Logan Moore (2020, April 8)

The Witcher 3 Has Now Sold Roughly 28 Million Copies. Retrieved from

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