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Curate and Manage Incredible Exhibits in SEGA's Two Point Museum!

SEGA is pleased to reveal new information about the gameplay in Two Point

Museum, the latest game by Two Point Studios, which will be released on PlayStation®5, Xbox

Series X|S, and Steam.

In Two Point Museum, your job is to create a highly acclaimed museum. Curate various exhibits

to generate Buzz, offer immersive experiences to deepen your guests' Knowledge, and strive to

continually improve the visitor experience!

For the first time in the Two Point series, you can now set off on expeditions to uncover new exhibits for your museum. Dispatch an elite team in your helicopter and gather curios from around the globe!

Your first destination is a point of interest in the Bone Belt, which is unlocked during the tutorial. There, you'll find dinosaur bones, fossils, ancient artefacts, and other discoveries waiting to be unearthed!

Picking the right staff for your expedition team is the crux of exploration. For example, exploring the Greasy Fields requires a specialist's expertise, so you must dispatch a Prehistory Expert. Your team may

also encounter danger when out in the field. Training your staff and ensuring they're well-equipped will decrease the odds of an expedition failing.

If you don't take the right countermeasures, your staff may get injured during their travels. Visiting the Tar Pit might leave an untrained team member tarred, which they will track all through the halls of your museum!

Exploration map in Two Point Museum
Explore for exhibits!

After an expedition, your discoveries will be delivered to the museum in boxes. These findings will be

completely random and vary between different points of interest.

Some objects you uncover might be part of an incomplete set. As you retrieve more of its pieces, they will gradually increase in Buzz. Keep sending teams on expeditions revel in the satisfaction of completing these exhibits!

Museums rely on Experts' restoration skills to maintain exhibits and impress guests. By keeping your exhibits in tip-top shape, your museum's rating will increase!

Guest checking out exhibition in Two Point Museum
Display your exhibits!

Once you create a museum you're satisfied with, it's time to open your doors to the public. Add a ticket booth so guests can be admitted and enjoy everything your museum has to offer. You'll need ticket attendants, marine biologists, botanists, and many other staff members to keep your museum running. You should also hire a few janitors to clean up after your guests!

Staff can regain their energy faster by taking a break in the Staff Room. You can also install a Bandage Box machine so injured personnel can heal their physical ailments.

Security guard managing the donation stand
Hire a trustworthy team!

Since guests want to be informed about the objects in your museum, you can set up info stands, which collate Knowledge from nearby exhibits and present it in one, digestible place.

You'll also want to jazz up your exhibits with some decor. Well-decorated exhibits provide more Buzz and improve the museum's Environment, leading to a better guest experience.

Visitor checing exhibit details at info stand
Improve your exhibits!

When guests are impressed by an exhibit, they'll offer a donation at the nearest donation stand. Amaze guests as much as possible to receive bigger donations, and make sure your security guards frequently empty the stands and collect the cash!

Gift shops are also a key source of income for the museum. Guests will pick souvenirs based on what

they've seen during their visit, so prepare an enticing lineup of merchandise that matches the theme of your exhibits! By pre-ordering Two Point Museum, you'll also be able to sell Sonic the Hedgehog-themed plushies.

Shop with souvenirs of Sonic the Hedgehog-themed plushies
Maximise your revenue!

Two Point Museum is an all-new entry in the Two Point series of management simulators. As a curator tasked with running a museum, you must uncover artefacts to use for one-of-a-kind exhibits and entertain guests with guided tours. It's time to create the best museum the world has ever seen!


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