Physical release of PixARK now available with Chinese and English language support
'PixARK' recalls both 'Minecraft and official partner Ark: Survival Evolved', thanks to its cuboid voxel world.
— Snail Games
PixARK brings a Minecraft makeover to a dinosaurs-and-humans survival sim on console and computer.
Remember Ark: Survival Evolved, that at-times vicious survival sim taking place upon a dino-filled island? It was the latest, greatest thing, in a time before Overwatch, Pokémon Go, PUBG or Fortnite. This, then, is the chunkier, friendlier, Minecraft-homaging version, debuting on PS4 and Switch after a year in early access on PC and Xbox One.
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Tech News. (2019, June 4)
This week's videogame releases: 'Cricket 19', 'PixARK', 'Outer Worlds', and more. Retrieved from